sie sind nicht allein !
Implants are artificial tooth roots that are planted in the jaw.
Dental implantology has revolutionized modern dentistry. Our range of therapies would be unimaginable without it.
First the planning takes place - in a team together with the surgeon.
The positioning of the implant is precisely measured and checked with the help of X-rays.
The actual procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under anesthesia. Either under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. Just as you wish and based on medical indications.
After the healing phase, the respective prosthetic solution can then take place.
But we would be happy to advise you in detail!
Trust in the competence of the therapist and leave it to him to design the course of therapy and conduct the conversation.
Let the child come forward and respond. Even if there are sometimes "wrong answers".
We use a different choice of words - eg "sleep drops" instead of syringe and explain each step of the treatment to the child in detail beforehand.
Avoid reassuring phrases like "Don't worry" or "It doesn't hurt."
The child's attention is focused on the signal words "fear" and "sore"..
Children are very sensitive to the excitement and tension of their parents.
And many adults often have an unpleasant dental experience behind them and unconsciously transfer it to the child.
So it can make sense if you let your child (after prior consultation, of course) master certain treatment procedures alone with the treatment team.
Have confidence in your child's abilities!
Implants are artificial tooth roots that are planted in the jaw.
Dental implantology has revolutionized modern dentistry. Our range of therapies would be unimaginable without it.
First the planning takes place - in a team together with the surgeon.
The positioning of the implant is precisely measured and checked with the help of X-rays.
The actual procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under anesthesia. Either under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. Just as you wish and based on medical indications.
After the healing phase, the respective prosthetic solution can then take place.
But we would be happy to advise you in detail!
Tipp von uns:
für PA-Patienten ist das grüne Interdentalbürstchen MINIMUM!
Implants are artificial tooth roots that are planted in the jaw.
Dental implantology has revolutionized modern dentistry. Our range of therapies would be unimaginable without it.
First the planning takes place - in a team together with the surgeon.
The positioning of the implant is precisely measured and checked with the help of X-rays.
The actual procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under anesthesia. Either under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. Just as you wish and based on medical indications.
After the healing phase, the respective prosthetic solution can then take place.
But we would be happy to advise you in detail!
Implants are artificial tooth roots that are planted in the jaw.
Dental implantology has revolutionized modern dentistry. Our range of therapies would be unimaginable without it.
First the planning takes place - in a team together with the surgeon.
The positioning of the implant is precisely measured and checked with the help of X-rays.
The actual procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under anesthesia. Either under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. Just as you wish and based on medical indications.
After the healing phase, the respective prosthetic solution can then take place.
But we would be happy to advise you in detail!
Tipp von uns:
reduzieren Sie auf wenigstens
10 Zigaretten pro Tag!... oder hören sie auf!
Implants are artificial tooth roots that are planted in the jaw.
Dental implantology has revolutionized modern dentistry. Our range of therapies would be unimaginable without it.
First the planning takes place - in a team together with the surgeon.
The positioning of the implant is precisely measured and checked with the help of X-rays.
The actual procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under anesthesia. Either under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. Just as you wish and based on medical indications.
After the healing phase, the respective prosthetic solution can then take place.
But we would be happy to advise you in detail!
Implants are artificial tooth roots that are planted in the jaw.
Dental implantology has revolutionized modern dentistry. Our range of therapies would be unimaginable without it.
First the planning takes place - in a team together with the surgeon.
The positioning of the implant is precisely measured and checked with the help of X-rays.
The actual procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under anesthesia. Either under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. Just as you wish and based on medical indications.
After the healing phase, the respective prosthetic solution can then take place.
But we would be happy to advise you in detail!
Tipp von uns:
Schauen Sie mal auf den Beipackzettel Ihrer Medikamente !
Implants are artificial tooth roots that are planted in the jaw.
Dental implantology has revolutionized modern dentistry. Our range of therapies would be unimaginable without it.
First the planning takes place - in a team together with the surgeon.
The positioning of the implant is precisely measured and checked with the help of X-rays.
The actual procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under anesthesia. Either under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. Just as you wish and based on medical indications.
After the healing phase, the respective prosthetic solution can then take place.
But we would be happy to advise you in detail!
wie läuft das ab?
Eine systematische Parodontitis-Behandlung besteht aus 5 Schritten:
Die Terminabläufe sind dabei von den gesetzlichen und privaten Krankenkassen vorgeschrieben und bauen aufeinander auf.
Für weitere Details:
und warum machen wir das?
Parodontitis-Bakterien streuen in die Blutbahn - dadurch entsteht ein erhöhtes Risiko für Allgemeinerkrankungen!
Mehr muss man nicht sagen oder?
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