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Nahaufnahme der Augen

senior citizens


starts in the mind!


When teeth get older, different concepts and solutions are required...


We have them.

family dentist

we will come to you,
if you can no longer come to us.

senior prophylaxis

cleaning concepts

.The challenge for dentistry in the future will be how we can ensure the care of older, fit patients as well as those in need of care.




German Society for Geriatric Dentistry DGAZ




Deutsche Gesellschaft für Alterszahnmedizin DGAZ

wissenschaftliche Stellungnahme

Helfende Hände


Specialist in geriatric dentistry


German Society for Geriatric Dentistry DGAZ


Do you have to take different medications?


We will discuss this with your general practitioner or specialist.


Tip von uns:

Haben Sie ihre  Medikamentenliste 

und Kontaktdaten Ihres Hausarztes griffbereit


When oral hygiene becomes a family responsibility...

We help you.


Tip von uns:

Zahnpflege in der Pflege

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It was not man who lived the most, 

who counts the most years

but the one who felt his life the most

nothing is more beautiful than a smile that has struggled through the years

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