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Have you never liked your teeth and you think there's nothing you can do about them anyway?

Just ask if you're not happy with the way your teeth look.
Because beautiful teeth are one thing
lifetime business card.


nature is our role model.
this is often easier said than done.


wafer-thin, transparent glass-ceramic bowls

vergleichbar mit Kontaktlinsen

.The challenge for dentistry in the future will be how we can ensure the care of older, fit patients as well as those in need of care.




German Society for Geriatric Dentistry DGAZ




Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde DGÄZ

wissenschaftliche Stellungnahme

Stapel Bücher


focus of activity
"Aesthetic dentistry"


(German Society for Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine)


You don't like the color of your teeth?

Ask us!


Tip von uns:

nicht zu hell gehen!

Zahnfarbe sollte mit

Augenweiß korrespondieren

Let your smile change the world

but never let the world

change your smile



Audrey Hepburn

nothings beats a great smile

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